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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain

Conformance Testing v3

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Accredit and Authorise Functional Flows

Learn in detail about the Accredit and Authorise Functional flow here

Holder Wallet Functional Flows

Learn in detail about the Holder Wallet Functional flow here

Issue to Holder Functional Flows

Learn in detail about the Issue to Holder Functional flow here

Providers and Wallets Metadata

Consult more details regarding Organisational wallets

Verifiable Credential Issuance Guidelines

Learn in detail about the Verifiable Credential Issuance guidelines here

Verifiable Presentation Exchange Guidelines

Learn in detail about the Verifiable Presentation Exchange guidelines here

Verification Offer

Discover how to enhance current User Authentication capabilities with hybrid approaches

Verifier Functional Flows

Learn in detail about the Verifier Functional flow here