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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain
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A new version of this API is now available.

EBSI will stop supporting this maintenance version in the upcoming months. You can find the details of the upcoming release and affected endpoints in the change log. Please contact if this upcoming release might cause a high impact on either an ongoing development or a piloting demonstration.

List DID document metadata

Last updated on


Returns a list of DID document metadata.


Path Parameters

    did stringrequired

    A DID to be resolved.


    Example: did:ebsi:zbM8cCuoBMFNLeQyLiVFyxw

    versionId stringrequired

    A unique version ID.


    Example: 0xa009395f9e2a7809f1b550e0efbe2443dce931fe747d269a5c312e5ad75f88e1

Query Parameters

    page[after] string

    Cursor that points to the end of the page of data that has been returned.

    page[size] integer

    Defines the maximum number of objects that may be returned.



    self string

    Absolute path to the collection (consult)

    items object[]

    List of DID document versions

  • Array [
  • metadataId string

    A unique metadata id.

    href string

    Link to the resource.

  • ]
  • total integer

    Total number of items across all pages.

    pageSize integer

    Maximum number of items per page. For the last page, its value should be independent of the number of actually returned items.

    links object

    Links model used for pagination

    last string

    URI of the last page

    prev string

    URI of the previous page

    next string

    URI of the next page

    first string

    URI of the first page
