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Trusted Issuers Registry API v5

Last updated on

The Trusted Issuers Registry (TIR) is a decentralised registry for storing information about trusted issuers, such as public information and accreditations. The TIR stores all information within a smart contract in the form of Verifiable Accreditations, which are issued by Trusted Issuers or self-issued. Issuers can designate proxies for credential verification to ensure their validity or check for revocation. Details on the verification process can be found in the Credential Status Framework.

To register a DID with the TIR, a Legal Entity (LE) must generate a DID and DID document, then request a VerifiableAuthorisationToOnboard VC from the Issuer. The LE presents the VerifiableAuthorisationToOnboard to receive an access token, allowing it to register its DID in the DID registry. To become a Truster Issuer, the LE must register its DID in the TIR by requesting a VerifiableAccreditationToAttest VC. Upon presentation of this VC, the LE receives an access token to insert its DID into the TIR.

The TIR service comprises a smart contract (TIR SC) and an API (TIR API). The TIR SC is an Ethereum SC deployed on the EBSI ledger, and all public smart contract methods are exposed via APIs. There are two type of APIs available: JSON-RPC for write operations and REST for read operations. The TIR API enables the management and verification of Trusted Issuers' information and accreditations. However, accreditation of trusted issuers is domain-specific and falls outside the scope of EBSI.

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Security Scheme Type:http
HTTP Authorization Scheme:bearer
Bearer format:JWT

