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List revision's metadata

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Returns a list of schemas revision's metadata.


Path Parameters

    schemaId stringrequiredExamples:

    Description: Valid Pilot schemaId

    Example: z3MgUFUkb722uq4x3dv5yAJmnNmzDFeK5UC8x83QoeLJM

    schemaRevisionId stringrequiredExamples:

    Description: Valid Pilot schemaRevisionId

    Example: 0x76a2bbfaf876171785a02eaef767f8a2b3d1d67fa995edc03a27a83a73b2ae16

Query Parameters

    page[after] string

    Cursor that points to the end of the page of data that has been returned.

    page[size] integer

    Defines the maximum number of objects that may be returned.



    self string

    Absolute path to the collection.

    items object[]

    List of schemas

  • Array [
  • metadataId string

    Schema revision metadata id - SHA2-256 hash of the schema revision metadata (hexadecimal)

    href string

    Link to the resource.

  • ]
  • total integer

    Total number of items across all pages.

    pageSize integer

    Number of items to be returned per page.

    links object

    Links model used for pagination.

    first string

    Hyperlink to the first page.

    prev string

    Hyperlink to the previous page.

    next string

    Hyperlink to the next page.

    last string

    Hyperlink to the last page.
