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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain


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This section provides a high-level overview of how to perform main actions as a Holder. Specific instructions and details will vary depending on the wallet provider and the features it offers.

In EBSI, we are committed to ensuring a minimum level of interoperability between issuers and verifiers. More specific implementation details on this will depend on the wallet provider.

Find here a list of EBSI Conformant Wallets

1 - Holders Onboarding

To onboard holders, i.e. users, they will need to follow these steps to successfully setup their EBSI conformant wallets, and receive and present Verifiable Credentials:

Step 1. Download and install a digital wallet

List EBSI Conformant Wallets

  • Visit App store
  • Select a Wallet
  • Download and install a wallet

Step 2. Set up and secure my wallet

  • Enter information (name, etc.)
  • Secure wallet (pin/password/face id/...)
  • Create DIDs, private and public keys with Wallet Key manager
  • Store DIDs, private and public keys in Wallet Secure Enclave

Consult our documentation for Holder Wallet functional flows for further details.

2 - Recieve Verifiable Credentials

To receive VCs the Holder needs to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the Trusted Issuer
  2. Log in to the issuer portal
    • Issuer displays a website
    • User enters login credentials
  3. Navigate the credential issuance section
  4. Select to issue a credential in a Verifiable Credential format
  5. Scan the QR code with your phone *
  6. Unlock your wallet
  7. Review the issuer information and authorise the issuance process
  8. Authorise sharing credentials required for the issuance *
  9. Receive a notification about a pending VC issuance *
  10. Receive a notification about a successful VC issuance
  11. Review and authorise the storage of the VC

*Optional or conditional steps

Learn more about the VC issuance here

3 - Present Verifiable Credentials

To present a credential, as a Holder you need to follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of the Verifier
  2. Log in to the verifier portal *
  3. Select to share a credential in a Verifiable Credential format
  4. Scan the QR code with your phone *
  5. Unlock your phone and your wallet
  6. Review the request for sharing one or more credentials
  7. Authorise sharing credentials with the verifier
  8. Receive a notification about a successful sharing of VC(s)

*Optional or conditional steps

Learn more about the VC presentation here