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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain

Verifiable Presentation

Create and verify EBSI-compliant W3C Verifiable Presentations in JWT format.

This library extends the @transmute/json-web-signature and @transmute/vc.js libraries by applying additional validation rules. For more details, see EBSI Verifiable Credentials Playbook.

Note: this library only supports 2020-12 JSON Schemas.


Using npm:

$ npm i --save @cef-ebsi/verifiable-presentation

Using yarn:

$ yarn add @cef-ebsi/verifiable-presentation


Creating VP JWTs


Create an EbsiIssuer object to sign VP JWTs:

import type { EbsiIssuer } from "@cef-ebsi/verifiable-presentation";

const signer: EbsiIssuer({
did: "did:ebsi:zcWoBr6PUWmtEAJBKTNMuL1",
kid: "did:ebsi:zcWoBr6PUWmtEAJBKTNMuL1#keys-1",
publicKeyJwk: <JWK>,
privateKeyJwk: <JWK>,
alg: "ES256K",

In order to create a valid VP JWT, the signer MUST either be a Legal Entity (LE) registered in the DID Registry (EBSI DID method v1), or a Natural Person. For Natural Persons, the did:ebsi method v2 (legacy) and did:key method (with the codec jwk_jcs-pub) are supported.

Creating a Verifiable Credential

Specify a payload matching the EbsiVerifiablePresentation interface. Create a JWT by signing it with the previously configured issuer and a target audience using the createVerifiablePresentationJwt function:

import {
} from "@cef-ebsi/verifiable-presentation";

const vpPayload: EbsiVerifiablePresentation = {
id: "urn:did:123456",
"@context": [""],
type: ["VerifiablePresentation"],
holder: "did:ebsi:zcWoBr6PUWmtEAJBKTNMuL1",
// Note: `verifiableCredential` only accept valid VC JWTs (strings)
verifiableCredential: [

const audience = "did:ebsi:zwWmyuVKGnQ68EZg3JYZhDG";

const vpOptions = {
// REQUIRED. EBSI URI Authority ([userinfo "@"] host [":" port])
ebsiAuthority: "",

const vpJwt = await createVerifiablePresentationJwt(

// eyJraWQiOiJkaWQ6ZWJzaTp6eEdk...BjHQuXchyO3G6ZrpwzFAHVbmU94aIgcOBKPM1JSp33OR8Q

Verifying JWTs


Pass in a VP JWT to verify and the target audience using the verifyPresentationJwt function:

import { verifyPresentationJwt } from "@cef-ebsi/verifiable-presentation";

const vpJwt =
const audience = "did:ebsi:zwWmyuVKGnQ68EZg3JYZhDG";
const options = {
// REQUIRED. EBSI URI Authority ([userinfo "@"] host [":" port])
ebsiAuthority: "",

const verifiedVp = await verifyPresentationJwt(vpJwt, audience, options);

id: "urn:did:123456",
"@context": [""],
type: ["VerifiablePresentation"],
holder: "did:ebsi:zxGdqT9vHpvXbNehnXbd6g7",
verifiableCredential: [

Try it online

The VC & VP validator tool uses the @cef-ebsi/verifiable-presentation to verify VP JWTs.