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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain

Design screen flows

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This step is optional and gives you the opportunity to design the screen flow of the user interface and user experience of the user story you defined in this section.

Now that you have defined your scenarios and detailed your user story, as an optional step, you can design a screen flow to better communicate the very same user story to show how it will look for the actors involved.

  • Based on your detailed scenario from the previous step in Scenario & User Stories, design your screen flow and prototype it by using Section 1 Template #4 as inspiration.
  • Ideally, test your prototype with stakeholders to get feedback and iterate on your scenario.
  • Get some inspiration from the EBSI Experience Center. The EBSI team has created various use case screen flows exhibited at the EBSI Experience Center.

Please use the table in Section 1 Template #4 you will find in the attached PPT below, to guide you in designing your screen flows.