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European CommissionEBSI European Blockchain

W3C VCs and VPs

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Verifiable Credentials (VC) and Verifiable Presentations (VP) play a major role within the EBSI ecosystem. They present the standard to which all digital documents conform to improve the efficiency, interoperability, and readability of all documents/certificates. EBSI VC/VP data models build upon the W3C Verifiable Credentials, which defines the standard way to present credentials/certificates on the internet in a common digital way. This page is the starting point for all VC and VP-related information in the EBSI Verifiable Credentials Playbook.

Data Models and Schemas

Since Verifiable Credentials can represent many different certificates and be used for several use cases, several data models were defined by EBSI and ESSIF (European Self-Sovereign Identity Framework), and many more will be defined by new use cases in the future. A complete list of data models and schemas can be found here.

Verifiable Credentials and Verifiable Presentations are usually in the form of JWT (JSON Web Token) and JSON-LD (JSON Linked Data). The format depends on the use case requirements and the need for different signature types. Learn more about VC/VP formats, proof formats, and instructions for the signing and verification steps here.

Schemas for data models are managed in the Trusted Schema Registry (TSR). Check the APIs section for more information.

VC and VP Lifecycle

EBSI's VC and VP lifecycle is summarized in the table below. The table also presents differences between EBSI's VC and VP lifecycle and W3C's VC and VP lifecycle.


StepEBSI's VC and VP lifecycleW3C's VC and VP lifecycleGuidelines for EBSI
1Registration and onboarding of different actors (Legal Entity as Trusted Issuer or Verifier, Natural Person as Holder).Out of scope.Onboarding and accrediting Legal Entities
2Credential Issuance for Issuers and Holders Storage of Verifiable Credentials for HoldersIssuance of one or more Verifiable Credentials. Storage of Verifiable Credentials in a credential repository, e.g., digital wallet.Verifiable Credential issuance guidelines and Wallet Conformance Testing
3Presentation Exchange for Holders and VerifiersComposition of Verifiable Credentials into Verifiable Presentation. Exchange of Verifiable Presentation and its verification by the Verifier.Verifiable Presentation exchange guidelines
4Managing schemas of data models in TSROut of scope.Data Models and Schemas TSR API


EBSI developed several APIs for interaction with the EBSI blockchain, data registries, and smart contracts. Each API serves its specific role and is used by different actors. The following APIs are used in the EBSI VC and VP lifecycle today:

  • Trusted Issuer Registry (TIR)
  • Trusted Schema Registry (TSR)
  • DID Registry API
  • The table below summarises the APIs used in VC and VP lifecycle.
Issuer registrationTIRIssuerTIR API
Issuer verificationTIRHolder, VerifierTIR API
Schema registrationTSRIssuerTSR API
Schema verificationTSRIssuer, Holder, VerifierTSR API
Issuer accreditationTIRIssuerTIR API Onboarding and accrediting Legal Entities